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Children of Joshua Village

Support CMI

Thank you for considering a gift to CMI to power benevolence and disciple-making. Your prayers, your support, and your encouragement enable us to reach people around the world. None of this would be possible without you. Your gift goes to support orphans and other impoverished people worldwide and help train and prepare evangelists to better understand and teach biblical Christianity.

CMI uses all funds at CMI's discretion consistent with our corporate purposes as prescribed by law.

Jean Robert St Hilaire

Jean Robert St Hilaire,
CEO, Mission South Haiti

Testimonial coming soon.

Osumba Benson of Joshua Village

Osumba Benson,
Founder, Joshua Village

"CMI has been invaluable to Joshua Village in providing for the orphans and changed the lives of many who perform well and graduate from primary to high school. Their lives have changed even at the university level. Apart from the students, Joshua Village is a blessing to the community. We have a place to worship, a home for vulnerable children, a school, and a workplace. We greatly appreciate CMI for remembering the orphans every Christmas in addition to the regular year-round monthly support.

Thanks so much for what you do for the needy in the world. May CMI continue to be a blessing."

Will Dobbin

Will Dobbin
Founder, Vance Metal Fabricators Inc

"The work we are doing through this Mission is humbling and rewarding. Through Christian principles, CMI educates and brings skills into lives to make them self-sufficient by supplying aid to widows and orphans, planting churches, building facilities (churches, living quarters, schools), and mentoring preachers.

I thank those who, through their contributions, support CMI's Mission to put Christian principles into practice and build programs that promote healthy spirits, minds, and bodies for all. 

Central Missions International

Address: 6221 Proctor Rd., Sarasota, FL 34241

Central Missions International plants churches, mentors young evangelists, and cares for orphans worldwide. Our primary focus is Joshua Village for Orphans in Kenya. We also work in Haiti, The Dominican Republic, Pakistan, India, and anywhere lost souls need to be found.

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Copyright 2022. Central Missions International, a not-for-profit, section 501 (c)(3) corporation.
6221 Proctor Rd., Sarasota, Florida, USA 

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