CMI Mission Joshua Village for Orphans
Joshua Village for Orphans in Oyugis, Kenya, changes the lives of devastated and disadvantaged children. Central has faithfully supported this mission for more than ten years. Because of your generous gifts, we have fulfilled our monthly commitments to these children.
How We Care
Joshua Village remains central to our mission work. These precious children depend on us each month for their food, clothing, medical attention, shelter, schooling, and spiritual upbringing.
We employ approximately 20 people, including cooks, teachers, security guards, and the administration, and supply supplemental support to two preachers working with the Joshua Village church.
Our annual budget is $40,000, including extra contributions needed for capital improvements, additional books, and other projects like our Christmas gifts.
We Depend on You
These precious children depend on us monthly for food, clothing, healthcare, shelter, schooling, and spiritual upbringing. We must raise $3,500 monthly to keep this orphanage, school, church, and clinic operational. Your faithful support makes all this happen.
May God bless you to be able to bless these children!
CMI uses all funds at CMI's discretion consistent with our corporate purposes as prescribed by law.
Completed Capital Projects
Construction of a church building
Construction of a home for Osumba Benson, DirectorConstruction of dorms for the orphans
Construction of a classroom building
Construction of a kitchen and multipurpose building used for events and as a cafeteria.
Construction of toilets and showers.
Construction of an addition to the clinic