Dear brothers & sisters in Christ,
Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, and ‘’Happy Healthy New Year 2024”!
From our humble beginnings in 2024 as a life renewal movement, the Delmas 43 Church of Christ has earnestly sought to go deeper in Christ and further in mission. We give thanks for all that God accomplished through our mission and ministry together in 2023. In 2024, we are reminded anew of the invitation God’s Word offers us, above all else, to be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, and faithful in prayer. ROMANS 12:12
Again, we are so grateful for the many ways you have served as God's hands and feet throughout the years. We have tried out some new projects and held on to long ones. We are especially grateful for your vision work about what mission means for the Lord’s Church. We hope you read more about that below. We have loved your services, commitment, zeal, and spiritual and compassionate behavior toward the Haitian Christians spread worldwide; thank you so much. We hope you find in these results a way, a place to grow in your faith. We are overwhelmed by the generous spirits and the anticipation of what God is doing through each one of you in this ministry. Thank you for the ways you have taken part in the Mission of the Church of Christ Delmas 43, and given your time, talents, and financial resources, we congratulate you and thank you!
Our mission is to join God in God’s assignment to see more disciples among more populations in a more caring and just world. We carry out this mission through five strategic priorities: Make and Deepen Disciples, Start and Strengthen Churches, Develop Leaders, Love Mercy, and Do Justice, and Serve Globally. We appreciate each of you and your role in the continuing mission of the Church of Christ Delmas 43. We are at our best when we are grounded in the Scriptures, unified in mission, and calling out the best in each other. Thank you for contributing to our shared mission. The gifts of God for the work of God.
We are grateful for you and for our partnership in the Gospel. Your generosity supports our shared mission of meeting the real needs of real people in real places. In the following pages, you will read some highlights of ministry impact domestically and worldwide. Our deepest desire is for people to meet, know, and follow Jesus.
Below is an update on the life and ministry in South Haiti. Our team did a lot in 2023! Our gratitude goes to Elderships and Church members of the Northeast Church of Christ in Kingsport, Tennessee; Central Missions International Organization in Sarasota, Florida; Atlanta Road Church of Christ in Gainesville, Georgia; the Central Oconee Church of Christ in Athens, Georgia, the International American Medical Mission (IAMM); and all other congregations and individual who are mission-Minded for all the extra work they put in to make our ministry work well done… THANK YOU!
From the last week of June to the first week of August 2023, Jean Robert, his wife, and his daughter made a multipurpose missionary journey to speak in Athens, Georgia, at the Central Oconee Church of Christ on June 25th, in McDonough, Georgia, a new Haitian congregation is started on July 2, from Georgia to Montreal Canada since July 5th after speaking in these 2 Churches to meet with 31 Haitian members leaving Haiti because of political unrest in a restaurant where we’ve had lunch together on Saturday July 15, then on Sunday July 16th we’ve established a Haitian Church with 31 former members and nine non-Christians we’ve worshiped with the Haitian Assembly… Right after that, we flew to New York for a 4-night lectureship at the Haitian Church of Christ in Long Island, New York…We express our appreciation and many thanks to my good friends Rod Myers of Central Missions International in Sarasota, FL, and Tom Keister in Athens, GA, for providing our plane tickets and our stay during our trips. May God continue to bless you all! Please pray for more good results.
International Ministry Statistics at a Glance:
Haiti, Guadeloupe, France, Bahamas, Dominican Republic, Georgia, Long Island & Brooklyn, New York and Cambridge, Massachusetts 1,740 baptisms
12 new congregations started, and four strengthened.
185 students trained & mentored between the school of preaching and our satellite programs.
2 new denominational churches were added to the Lord’s church in Haiti and 1 in Santo Domingo, DR.
8 Church facilities were built, six were restored in Haiti, one facility rented in Montreal, Canada & one New place for the congregation at Varennes-Sur-Seines in Paris…
13 renovation and construction projects to be completed in the future.
As we said in our 2022 Annual Summary, we hope you have found God in the life and ministries of Mission South Haiti. Our country has endured a couple of years all kinds of political unrest: people are being kidnapped in the streets, even in their homes, unemployment, urban exodus, electricity is seldom, internet services are slow, hunger, native citizens are leaving the country, and others are dying of non-medical cares, children are starving into death even the newborns, governmental corruption; but one thing is certain: Our God never let us down, He keeps us safe, healthy and invisible so the criminals were touching none of us, except some of our members that are also traveling but our mission work stays strong and spiritually healthy by the grace of God. Thank you for your financial support, prayers, patience, grace, and ideas as we follow God's call for us. We all play an important part in this field of mission. Thank you for sharing your financial support!
The vision is to grow this church planting movement by supporting the key leaders, providing facilities for worship and other social programs, transportation fees, giving Bibles, and feeding poor Christians who cannot care for themselves.
In addition, there are other needs related to the development of the work that your financial support will go towards. We need more full-time financial supporters, we need to have a missionary mindset to reach this goal, and so in addition to prayer and people, we need dedicated Christians like you. We run a tight ship, so most of your support at this point will go to our evangelistic efforts, as the funds we receive monthly go to the School of Preaching. You can donate by contacting our Elders,
Thanks for all you have done over the years and for what you will continue to do as this ministry progresses. many places of the world are being reached through our proud graduates and the Delmas Biblical Institute in Port-au-Prince, Haiti.
Stay healthy, blessed, committed and mission-minded!